Sunday, December 13, 2009

My Song

This is a song that I made on garageband.

Monday, December 7, 2009

End Of The Year :(

Lately we have been doing a treasure hunt on google earth in our new table groups and in my group is Holly, Brooklyn, Anastasia, Lauren, Bohan, Aaron and me, in the treasure hunt we have to go onto google earth and look for things like car crashes and a construction zone (see picture) and after we get points for it and the group that has the most gets a prize.

We also have a game of the day and yesterdays was really addicting and I haven't tried today's yet.

Lately we have also been creating islands for maths and mine is called Agma island and its really fun.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Goal Setting For Next Term

My goal for next year is to get two merit awards or one excellence badge.
I will do this by taking up lots of opportunities and trying hard and not quitting half way through the year. I will also need to have fun and enjoy myself.
The picture are the things that I would like to try.

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

High Jump

For P.E a while ago we did long jump and Mr English filmed us.
Unfortunately There isn't one of me so instead here is a world record holder.

Monday, October 26, 2009

Do You Think That We Should Be Allowed To Skate On The Footpath???



Not Sure.

If you have voted on the poll then please comment on this post and say why.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Science Testing With Mr Wallace

Yesterday we had Mr Wallace and he brought 7 different liquids. We had to smell them and guess what they were. Some smelt nice but some smelt really yuck. one of them (number 6 or ammonia) really hurt our noses. There were also some that were really hard to guess.
After that we tried to make a gas that could put out a fire.

Monday, October 12, 2009

Different Ways To Search On Google

There are heaps of ways to search for info on google. In room 46 we are learning how to use them.

One is by using google squared.

Another is by using spin wheel.

And the other way is by using time line.

These ways are easier because by using timeline you can choose what day or year or time the post was made.

Here is a slide show that shows the ways to use Google.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Graffiti Creator

A while ago we made our names to go on our tote trays and it was really fun.

Here is a picture of mine.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Science testing

Yesterday Mr Wallace came in and taught us how to find out if a liquid is an acid, alkali or neither. To find out we added cabbage juice. If it was an acid it would turn pink, if it was an alkali it would turn green and if it was neither nothing would happen.

These Are The Products That We Tested.

1. Vinegar - acid
2. Baking Soda - alkali
3. Lemonade - neither
4. Meths - neither
5. Washing Powder - alkali
6. Citric Acid - Acid


Wednesday, September 16, 2009


Today Mr English was away . We had Mr Severinsen and we played this interactive fiction game called ZORK 1 and it was really fun. For P.E we were doing sprints but it rained so we played man-hunt with room 22. After a while room 24 came in and they joined us.
Yesterday we had long jump with Miss Tucker and we practised our run up mostly, we also have it again on Monday.
Click here to play ZORK 1.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

W.A.L.T (we are learning to) 16/9/09

W.A.L.T - Use google docs to make a PMI chart about technology in the classroom.
We were sharing our learning with room 21 We all had to grab a partner and show them the cool stuff that we do in room 46. We showed them our book cases and Graffiti Creator. When we finished that we all went and played Dodge ball.

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Size 12 Is Not Fat - Book Review

Size 12 Is Not Fat By Meg Cabot

Heather Wells is an ex-pop singer but when her mum runs away with all her money she quits and is now working in a dorm. Some of the children like to elevator surf - going on top of elevators and jumping onto the top of a different elevator. Two girls die from it in two weeks and Heather is suspicious that they didn't die of elevator surfing but they were murdered. As the clues start to add up she isn't worrying about the next pay or meal but instead her life.

This book hasn't been made into a movie but there are lots more books by Meg Cabot.

I thought that this was a really cool and interesting book.

How To Write A Good Blog Post

We are learning to write a blog post and add elements such as hyperlinks and images.

Today I learnt that it is better to write shorter posts then long ones so that people don't lose interest. I also learnt how to add pictures to my blog posts.

Here are some more tips on How To Make A Good Blog.

Thursday, September 10, 2009

The first week coming to an end

This has been our first week in room 46 with Mr English and I have learned how to make a Blog, a Bookshelf (see the picture)on PowerPoint, to use Graffiti Creator, Google Sketchup and do some High Jump. Today we learnt how to make a banner for our blogs and how to put them on as a title. We also have a really cool eating area outside our library.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Welcome To my School Blog

Today we have set up our blogs and we have also been doing a slide show of a book case and it has a link to some of our work We also made a front room with furniture that has more links to movies and pictures and mine has an outside link.

We have our school athletics coming up and we have been practising the high-jump.